Posts tagged #sesame oil

Tamneere @ Foyer ATB, Gounghin, Ouagadougou every Saturday

Dear All,

From this saturday the 7th of May, Tamneere will be present at the local market organized by the Foyer (ATB) in Gounghin, Ouagadougou.

Every saturday from 10 Am to 3 Pm the local market will give you the opportunity to buy our great selection: Shea butter, Dried Hibiscus flower, Sesame and groundnut oil, Peanut and sesame butter...

You will also find other productions like: vegetables, fruits, cheese, eggs,bread ...

You are most welcome, While you are shopping around your can eat and drink delicious preparations made by Mien and her team...

See you there and share the news !

Posted on May 2, 2016 .